Vulcanico Peeling-Detox
Vulcanico Peeling-Detox
Gel-Peeling und sanftes Peeling, wirksam bei der Entfernung von Unreinheiten, Schuppen und Talg von der Haut; wirkt ausgleichend und erfrischend. Fördert die Sauerstoffversorgung der Haut und die Zellerneuerung. Hergestellt mit Tensiden pflanzlichen Ursprungs. Auch für brüchiges Haar und empfindliche Haut geeignet
Enthält :
- Pflanzliches Granulat (zerkleinerte Mandelschalen) mit einer effektiven Peelingwirkung, die gleichzeitig nicht aggressiv ist und die empfindlichste oder gereizte Haut schont. Das Granulat ist biologisch abbaubar und umweltfreundlich.
- AlfaAlfa-Extrakt, reich an Proteinen, Fasern, Mineralsalzen und antioxidativen Verbindungen, die eine remineralisierende und regenerierende Wirkung haben
- Kamillenextrakt wirkt beruhigend und weichmachend. Stimuliert die periphere Mikrozirkulation und fördert die Reparatur beschädigter oder gereizter Haut
- Calendula-Extrakt wirkt beruhigend, rötungshemmend und abschwellend, insbesondere bei entzündlichen Erkrankungen der Dermis. Fördert die Regeneration der Haut
- Gurkenextrakt wirkt intensiv feuchtigkeitsspendend, adstringierend und entgiftend. Fördert die Wiederherstellung des Gleichgewichts der Hautmikrobiota
- Anti-Haarausfall PhytoComplex, eine Mischung aus Wirkstoffen pflanzlichen Ursprungs (Stammzellen von Trauben, Rucola und grüner Walnuss), die durch die Technologie der molekularen Bioverflüssigung und Stimulation pflanzlicher Stammzellen gewonnen wird. Es ist in der Lage, die Erneuerung der Zellen der dermalen Papille des Follikels zu steigern, des Stamms, der die Entwicklung der Zwiebel reguliert, die Widerstandsfähigkeit, Stärke und Elastizität des Haares zu verbessern, seine Lebensdauer zu verlängern und seinen Verlust zu reduzieren.
-Stimuliert die dermale Papille des Follikels (+70 % In-vitro-Test)
- Stärkt das Haar in 3 Wochen (21,3 % in 3 Wochen und 38 % in 8 Wochen; In-vivo-Test)
- Reduziert den Haarausfall in 3 Wochen (-9,7 % in 3 Wochen und -13,1 % in 8 Wochen; In-vivo-Test)
-Verlängert die Lebensdauer des Haares (+32,4 %; In-Vivo-Test)
-Erhöhung der Anzahl der Haare in der Wachstumsphase (+10,4 %; In-Vivo-Test)
Key Ingredients
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- Ginseng extract: with remineralising and revitalising action. Stimulates the microcirculation.
- Alfa Alfa Extract Extract (also called Alfalfa): rich in protein, fibres, mineral salts and antioxidant compounds that have action remineralizing and reconstituting.
- FitoComplesso anti-fall (active ingredient): Mixture of active ingredients of plant origin (Stem cells of grape, arugula and green walnut) obtained through technology of molecular bioliquefaction and stem cell stimulation vegetables. It is able to increase the renewal of dermal papilla cells of the follicle, the stem cells that regulate the development of the bulb, improve the resistance, strength and elasticity of the hair, prolonging its life and reducing it the fall.
In particular:
• Stimulates the dermal papilla of the follicle (+70% in vitro test)
• Strengthens hair in 3 weeks (21.3% in 3 weeks and 38% in 8 weeks; in vivo test)
• Reduces hair loss in 3 weeks (-9.7% in 3 weeks and -13.1% in 8 weeks; in vivo test)
• Extends hair life (+32.4%; in vivo test)
• Increases the number of hairs in the growing phase (+10.4%; in vivo test).
- Fermented Anticaduta (active ingredient): Phytocomplex of active ingredients of origin vegetable (nettle, oak bark and liquorice root) obtained through the technology of hyperfermentation (liquefaction + fermentation). It's in able to modulate testosterone and DHT, stimulate microcirculation, act as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory guaranteeing the reduction of the fall
Of the hair in the telogen phase, to increase the number, density and thickness of the hair. The improvement of hair conditions is also demonstrated after discontinuation of treatment confirming a long-lasting effect.
In particular:
• Reduces hair loss (pull test -9% in 30 days; -35% in 60 days; test in vivo)
• Prolongs the life of the hair (Telogen hair count +3.6% in 30 days and +18% In 60 days; in vivo test)
• Increases hair density (total hair count +3.1% in 30 days and +10.3% in 60 days; in vivo test)
• Lasting effect even after discontinuation of treatment (test in I live)
- Vegetable Keratin (active ingredient): Keratin (protein of which it is consisting of hair) derived from plant species (hemp and rice) obtained through the technology of enzyme-activated bioliquefaction, in able to guarantee an action of fortification and protection of the hair.
In Particular, strengthens the hair (+85%; ex vivo test), increases its elasticity (+8% ex vivo test), acts as a filming agent and whose demonstrated efficacy is superior to traditional keratin (of animal origin).
- Natural Mentol: decongestant, antiseptic, stealing action and vasodilatory to favour peripheral circulation and stimulate the intake blood.
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- Alpha Alpha extract (also called Alfalfa): rich in proteins, fibre, salts minerals and antioxidant compounds that have a remineralising action and reconstituting.
- FitoComplesso anti-fall (active ingredient): Mixture of active ingredients of plant origin (Stem cells of grape, arugula and green walnut) obtained through technology of molecular bioliquefaction and stem cell stimulation vegetables. It is able to increase the renewal of dermal papilla cells of the follicle, the stem cells that regulate the development of the bulb, improve the resistance, strength and elasticity of the hair, prolonging its life and reducing it the fall.
In particular:
• Stimulates the dermal papilla of the follicle (+70% in vitro test)
• Strengthens hair in 3 weeks (21.3% in 3 weeks and 38% in 8 weeks; in vivo test)
• Reduces hair loss in 3 weeks (-9.7% in 3 weeks and -13.1% in 8 weeks; in vivo test)
• Extends hair life (+32.4%; in vivo test)
• Increases the number of hairs in the growing phase (+10.4%; in vivo test).
- Fermented Anti-Fall (active ingredient): Phytocomplex of active ingredients of origin vegetable (nettle, oak bark and liquorice root) obtained through the technology of hyperfermentation (liquefaction + fermentation). It's in able to modulate testosterone and DHT, stimulate microcirculation, act as an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory guaranteeing the reduction of the fall of the hair in the telogen phase, to increase the number, density and thickness of the hair. The improvement of hair conditions is also demonstrated after discontinuation of treatment confirming a long-lasting effect.
In particular:
• Reduces hair loss (pull test -9% in 30 days; -35% in 60 days; test In vivo)
• Prolongs the life of the hair (Telogen hair count +3.6% in 30 days and +18% In 60 days; in vivo test)
• Increases hair density (total hair count +3.1% in 30 days and +10.3% in 60 days; in vivo test)
• Lasting effect even after discontinuation of treatment (test in vivo)
- Vegetable Keratin (active ingredient): keratin (protein of which it is consisting of hair) derived from plant species (hemp and rice) obtained through the technology of enzyme-activated bioliquefaction, in able to guarantee an action of fortification and protection of the hair.
In particular, strengthens the hair (+85%; ex vivo test), increases its elasticity (+8%; ex vivo test), acts as a filming agent and whose demonstrated efficacy is superior to traditional keratin (of animal origin).
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- Vegetable Granules (Crushed Almond Shells): These biodegradable, eco-friendly granules deliver a thorough yet gentle exfoliation, respecting even the most sensitive or irritated skin.
- Alfalfa Extract: Rich in proteins, fibers, minerals, and antioxidants, offering a remineralizing and restorative effect.
- Chamomile Extract: Soothes and softens while stimulating peripheral microcirculation to aid in repairing damaged or irritated skin.
- Calendula Extract: Provides anti-inflammatory, soothing, and decongestant effects, supporting skin regeneration, especially in inflammatory conditions.
- Cucumber Extract: Deeply hydrating, astringent, and detoxifying, helping to balance the scalp’s natural microbiome.
- Anti-Hair Loss PhytoComplex: A potent blend of plant-derived active ingredients (grape stem cells, rocket, and green walnut) obtained through advanced molecular bio liquefaction and plant stem cell technology.
Some of our results
Stronger and healthier hair
Some of our results
Stronger and healthier hair
Some of our results
Stronger and healthier hair
Some of our results
Stronger and healthier hair
Some of our results
Stronger and healthier hair